The Gloves Are Coming Off!!! - Part 3 | Catch Wrestling - The TRUE King of Sports Scientific Wrestling

The Gloves Are Coming Off!!! - Part 3

Ted Pelc
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Yes, in many ways our style of wrestling was tougher than boxing, Pride or the UFC. The duration of most of the matches were much longer than a typical MMA style bout, and we did not have any rounds.

However, in many ways it was safer than the sports which I have just mentioned. To tell the truth, many entertainment styles of wrestling are much more dangerous than what was presented on Bushido. I hate it when someone who doesn't understand entertainment styles of wrestling says that "if it's all fake, how can anyone get hurt." You ever hear that irritating comment before?

The Gloves Are Coming Off!!! - Part 3

Yep, you've probably heard it until you feel like vomiting (on the ignorant person who really doesn't understand a thing about those types of wrestling styles but is a self-proclaimed authoritative voice). Typically, people who infrequently watch such forms of wrestling feel that they're the authority regarding the "It's all fake, and that's that" department.

Yep, steroids are the cause of ALL problems and in "real" fighting we cannot allow bare hands or hitting below the belt, that would be gutter fighting, right? I guess certain stereotypes will never die and ever since the cat was let out of the bag regarding the George Hackenschmidt vs Frank Gotch fiasco, pro-wrestling will be surrounded by such stereotypes as being "not on the level".

The Gloves Are Coming Off!!! - Part 3

Let me think… fixed matches have never taken place in boxing or any other sport for that matter while no one in the Olympics takes performance enhancing drugs due to the "fail-proof" drug testing policies and they would be banned for life.

Lucha Libre is nothing but a form of entertainment with no real value as far as a legitimate fighting form, but when some 90 pound wannabe who would get his clock cleaned by any Mexican Luchador claiming he was trained in the "lost" ancient form (because no one, even in the fight game is familiar with it, hence the "lost art") of "Hu-Flung Dung" throws on a karate/judo/kung-fu gi he ordered through a magazine, takes three deep breaths and throws their hands around in a meaningless performance giving off some "oriental mystique" those same wrestling-bashing meatheads look upon them with utmost respect as this is not only effective in hand to hand combat but also a great way to build discipline, self-confidence, and to simultaneously strengthen the soul as well as the body so you become "one" and achieve "wholeness", a fighting machine who is at peace within their souls.

I can't believe that in today's day and age people still believe such nonsense. It was a fun break from playing cops and robbers when we were kids after watching an episode of Kung-Fu or The Green Hornet to pretend we were David Carradine or Bruce Lee and do this sort of thing (Gary Albright actually admitted to me that as a kid he watched an episode of Kung-Fu, ran into the kitchen and nailed his Dad in the back of the head and knocked him out), but after a certain age we should be able to tell the difference between what's real and what's not (by the way, I'm not bashing JKD in anyway, it's very real… I'm just referring to the "pretenders").

If you are unable to see the difference, please do us a big favor and talk about something you do know about.